
Glyphosate is the most widely used pesticide in the world, by far. It is sprayed on lawns, growing crops, fields, and roadsides, and also on Canadian forests.

Gene Editing

Genetic engineering (GE) is a technique applied to food (and other living organisms) whereby the gene structure of the food is modified or edited in a way that would not occur in nature.


Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate pesticide sprayed directly on growing crops, sprayed to kill mosquitoes, and sprayed on certain forest trees. In Canada many food crops are affected.

Our Mission

To promote the health of Canadians by upholding the administration of laws concerning the assessment of the safety of food.

The focus of our work is in the legal and regulatory arena. Our president, Mary Lou McDonald, is a trained lawyer with almost three decades of experience, and our board has experience in academia, business and activism.

Latest Articles & News

Forest Spraying 1: Based on Faulty Approval

  Pesticides are being sprayed on Canadian forests, killing the diversity of forest life. The resulting harms are plant and animal death, destruction of forest foods, and accelerating forest fires. How is this allowed? The approval for this use of pesticides comes from the agency responsible for “managing pests” – the Pest Management Regulatory Agency […]
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EU Renews Glyphosate – Kind of

The European Commission has officially renewed the registration of glyphosate at the European level. But it’s left much of the actual decision making to individual member states. Desiccation is outlawed, and use within 60 days of harvest is not allowed on agricultural crops. (Safe Food Matters has been in court with Health Canada over this […]
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Europe to Ban Pre-Harvest Glyphosate on Crops – so should Canada

On November 16, 2023 the European Commission announced it is set to renew glyphosate in Europe for another 10 years, but will ban desiccation – where spraying occurs to kill the crop for easier harvest. Spraying before harvest to kill weeds will also not be allowed for 60 days prior to harvest on farmed crops (1).
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Preliminary Hearing on Oct 24 2023 over Glyphosate Product Renewal

On October 24, 2023, Safe Food Matters is n Federal Court with other groups in the first step of its "product renewal case" over a glyphosate product. We are seeking documents to show what science, if any, PMRA looked at in its renewal.
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